General Information

By accessing these pages, you shall be deemed to have accepted, and agreed to be bound, by the terms of these legal notices which shall be governed by the Law of England. Yellowtail Financial Planning Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the conduct of investment business. Tax advice which contains no investment element is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Other areas of advice which are not covered by the Financial Services Act will be clearly identified and brought to your attention.

While Yellowtail Financial Planning Limited has taken all reasonable care to ensure that the information contained within the pages of this site is accurate and complies with the relevant United Kingdom legislation and regulations as at the date of issue, no liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions, or for this information becoming out of date.

Registered in England Number: 04749438.


Where Yellowtail Financial Planning Limited advises or offers advice on packaged products, it will be based upon a selection of products from the whole market.

The pages on this site have been prepared by Yellowtail Financial Planning Limited for the general interest of readers. They are not intended to be a definitive analysis of equity or other markets. Nothing constitutes advice to undertake a transaction and professional advice should be taken on specific issues and before any course of action is pursued.

Investment Returns

The value of any investment and the income from it is not guaranteed and can fall as well as rise, so that you may not realise the amount originally invested.

Past performance should not be taken as an indication of future performance.

Changes in exchange rates could affect the value of your investments. Movements in foreign exchange rates can impact both on the level of income received and the capital value of the investment.

Where portfolios are managed by Yellowtail Financial Planning Limited each is managed to an agreed risk rated asset allocation to suit the needs and requirements of each individual client. We recommend those investments that we consider appropriate for inclusion in each portfolio. If we recommend a particular investment for inclusion in one portfolio it does not imply that it is suitable for any other portfolio.

In the case of some investments, you should be aware that there is no recognised market for them, and that it may therefore be difficult for you to deal in them or for you to obtain reliable information about their value or the extent of the risks to which they are exposed. Certain investments carry a higher degree of risk than others and are, therefore, unsuitable for some investors. It may be possible to lose all your initial capital in certain types of investments. Before contemplating any transaction, you should consider whether you require financial advice, which we would be pleased to provide upon request.

The information in this document is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities or any other investment or banking product, nor does it constitute a personal recommendation.


Any levels of taxation referred to depend on the individual circumstances of the investor and the value of tax reliefs are those which currently apply.


We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. Clients may be entitled to compensation from the scheme if Yellowtail Financial Planning Limited cannot meet its obligations. This depends on the type of business and the circumstances of the claim. Most types of investment business are covered for 100% of the first £50,000. Further information about compensation arrangements is available from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.


The pages on this site are prepared and issued in the United Kingdom and are intended for the information of United Kingdom residents only.


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