The Century Plan Podcast | “Tools, Not Rules”
Season 2 Episode 2
Podcast Introduction
Welcome to The Century Plan podcast where Dennis Hall and Sarah Steele educate and highlight ways to build a brighter retirement through Financial Planning.
In this episode we learn how Dennis has a multilayered role as a financial planner, life coach, marriage guidance counsellor, and relationship reuniting facilitator. But why is Dennis compared to Davina Mccall? Financial planning is not just data and modelling. It’s also about human relationships and shared experiences. Topics covered include:
- What would your retirement look like?
- How do you want to live your retirement years?
- Have you thought about your future lifestyle?
- What kind of legacy would you like to leave?
- What is your number?
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About the hosts
Dennis Hall – Read bio.
Sarah Steele – Read bio.
Founded by Dennis Hall, Yellowtail are the trusted financial planners who advise individuals & families across the UK. Yellowtail’s experts provide the clarity, control and confidence to guide you through financial planning, estate planning, pension transfers and investment management directing your journey towards a prosperous retirement and financial peace of mind.